Tel +254020 696 4000

Dunga Road, Off Baricho Road

Siyoi Muruny' Dam- West Pokot County

Siyoi Muruny’ Dam

Siyoi Muruny’ Dam Project is located in West Pokot County, 42km to the west of Kapenguria Town. The water treatment works are located at Kabichbich Town and about 11km from the dam.

The project will supply potable water to a population of 350,000 persons by year 2035. The project covers Kapenguria Municipality, Kabichbich Township, parts of Chepareria and areas along the pipeline route from Kabichbich to Kapenguria.

Construction of the project started in 2015 and was scheduled to be complete in March 2018 after three years construction period. However, there have been several extensions of time owing to delays majorly caused lack of adequate and consistent funding funds for the project.

The project is divided into two components for ease of implementation: Lot 1 (Dam component) and Lot 2 (Water Supply Component).

Current Status of project

The implementing Contractor is M/s China Jiangxi International Kenya Limited.

Project supervision is being carried out by National Water Harvesting and Storage Authority team of Engineers lead by a Resident Engineer. This new supervision arrangement came into being after expiry of the contract of the supervising consultant on 16th April 2021.

Physical Status

The Overall progress of this Component is 55.5%.

The detailed progress of the activities is as indicated below:

  • 30m high dam embankment structure complete: – 10% complete
  • 180m long spillway; – 98% Complete
  • 32m high intake tower; – 95% complete
  • 71m long bridge across reservoir and 15m long bridge across spillway; -60% complete
  • 184m long twin diversion culvert; -98% complete
  • 8km road across dam embankment; -60% complete
  • Road diversion of 900m long at 71m long bridge; -60% complete
  • 11km long, 800mm diameter steel pipeline; -36% complete
  • 10km fence round the dam and reservoir; – 0% complete
  • Community water projects and CSR projects costing a total of KShs.250million: -0% complete.

Ongoing work

Ongoing works include the following:

  • Laying of pipeline inside diversion culvert has been completed (185m). The pipeline laying is continuing beyond the diversion culvert but currently being affected by rains;
  • Fittings to intake tower have been supplied, work is ongoing and is 80% complete;
  • Construction of drainage culverts across valleys on raw water pipeline are 20% complete. 3No. culverts have been completed out of 12No.;
  • Extension works for Foot Bridge from pier No. 5 is 80% complete. Casting of slab together with guard rail embedded parts is being planned;
  • culverts on Access Road have been completed and 1No. is pending construction.