Tel +254020 696 4000

Dunga Road, Off Baricho Road

Kiserian Dam- Kajiado County

Kiserian dam is located along Kiserian River about 2kms from Kiserian Township and supplies water to Kiserian, Ongata Rongai and parts of Ngong’ townships. The 18m high dam stores 1.22Mm3 of water and supplies 15,700m3 per day of water to the townships.

Project Benefits

  • Improved living standards of the people of both Kiserian and Ongata Rongai townships due to improved water access to 252,744 people.
  • More reliable supply of water through adequate storage at the dam
  • Reduced outbreak of water borne diseases
  • Increased potential for industrial and commercial development,

Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by increasing water supply coverage from 28% to 100%.

Achievement of Vision 2030 goal on medium/ large dams to achieve per capita storage of 16m3.

The dam & the water treatment facility is currently operated by the Oloolaiser Water & Sewerage Company Ltd.  The current yield from the facility is about 3,000m3/day.

Project components

  • Dam embankment 18 m in height.
  • Raw water pipeline.
  • Water Treatment Works of capacity 15,700m3/day.
  • Water Storage tank 5,000 m3 capacity.
  • Housing and other ancillary works.